Garderie Mon Doudou-Jeux De Lettres is aware that each child is unique and has distinctive needs. We facilitate responsible child care practices that maximize the potential of each child.
Garderie Mon Doudou-Jeux De Lettres believes that play is an important variable in the psychomotor, emotional, ethical, social and moral development of a child. Our play center offers an array of recreational activities to this end.
Garderie Mon Doudou-Jeux De Lettres understands that the education plan of a child is important to a rewarding life journery. Visit our learning center today to see how we implement this into our daily curriculum.
Our after school program extends your child's learning day as you take the time you need to complete your work day or other pertinent activities. Contact Garderie Mon Doudou-Jeux De Lettres today for more program details.
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